quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011


Resolvi fazer essa postagem para quem gosta de frases e da historia:,"Alice no País das Maravilhas":
Take my hand and follow me,
I'll show you eternity,
Please, trust me, take my hand,
I'll show you the Wonderland.
See the rabbit, seh the queen,
See, wherever they have been.
See the future, see the past,
See the people runnig fast,
When the Queen of Hearts comes out
Her voice is strong, her voice is loud!
You loose your head if you don't hear,
All the people live in fear.
Go to safe them, my sweet pearl!
Their only hope: a little girl.
I am just the smiling cat.
All you see is in your head.
Oh, Alice it is just a dream
Don't you hear your mother scream?
Now wake up, my sweetie pie,
Its just a dream, so you can't die!
Postado por:  Clara

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